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How To Dry a Mattress: Guidance from the Experts

Last Updated on November 30, 2024 by Jordan

Whether you have youngsters, pets, or have been clumsy once or twice, there comes a time when we all have to tackle a wet mattress!

Given how dense mattresses are, it can be tricky to ensure you get every last bit of remaining moisture. Thankfully, there are lots of super effective ways to dry a wet mattress properly.

If you’re facing a wet mattress predicament, you’ve landed on the right page!

This article won’t just show you the many easy-peasy ways you can dry your mattress, but it will also explain why it’s so important to get the job done right, and point you in the right direction if you need to get a new mattress. Check out our jam-packed guide with expert advice and useful information.

3 Nifty Hacks To Absorb Moisture From Your Mattress 

Before trying any of our following tips, always make sure you dab all the spills on your mattress with dry towels. This will help you soak up as much moisture as possible, making the following step more efficient and faster!

Try these super effective alternative hacks that will help you properly and quickly dry your mattress:

1. Sprinkle Baking Soda

Sprinkling baking soda across the entire surface of the spill is the best way to absorb moisture and get rid of any nasty odours. Simply let the baking soda sit on the mattress surface for a few hours (it’s best left overnight for a very wet mattress with bigger spills), and then vacuum it all up.

2. Use a Hair Dryer

If you’ve accidentally spilled liquid on your mattress before bedtime, and need a quick fix, a hair dryer is your first line of defence!

To prevent introducing warmth (mould’s best friend!) make sure you blast your hair dryer on a low, cool setting over the stain, ensuring you’re constantly rotating the angle to get every corner of the spill. Make sure you keep a safe distance between the nozzle of your hairdryer and your mattress surface to minimise damage to the material.

Depending on how much you’ve spilled, you can expect this to take around 10 to 15 mins before you get a completely dry mattress.

3. Crank Up Your Dehumidifier

You can speed up the time it takes to air dry your mattress by closing all the windows and doors and placing a dehumidifier in the room. A dehumidifier will suck up any excess moisture in the air, which will help speed up the air-drying process of your wet mattress.

4. Leave Your Mattress Beneath Direct Sunlight

Sunlight is nature’s best tool for drying a wet mattress! If it’s sunny outside, let your mattress catch some rays. Depending on how hot it is and how much was spilled on your mattress, you can anticipate this to work anywhere between 30 mins to a couple of hours.

5. Try Vacuuming

While vacuuming a soaking wet mattress won’t get rid of all the moisture, it will certainly help suck up any remaining wetness on a damp mattress. Take the longer attachment off your vacuum and use the shorter nozzle to absorb any lingering wetness. Some vacuums come with upholstery attachments, which may be a worthwhile investment for you!

Read Also: What Makes the Best Memory Foam Mattress?

Read Also: How To Get Pee Out of a Mattress: Top Tips


The Importance of Properly Drying Your Mattress

With so many layers and lots of dense fabric, a mattress is a prime environment for moisture to get trapped and mould growth. Aside from developing a gross smell, mould can also present health risks, such as skin reactions and respiratory issues, which are the last thing anyone wants to experience when they are snoozing!

Aside from mould growth, failing to dry your mattress properly can also damage its inner layers. This will cause your mattress’s structure to distort, leading to discomfort and a reduced lifespan.

By trying our professional mattress drying tips listed above, your mattress will maintain its tip-top shape for years to come!

Refresh Your Bed With A Brand New Mattress from Best Pillows Australia

If your mattress is showing signs of wear or mould, it’s time to refresh your bed with a new one.

Head over to Best Pillows Australia to find your dream mattress. Whether you’re after an ergonomic memory foam mattress, a cooling gel mattress, or a super firm spring mattress, we will show you all the best mattresses you can get for affordable prices!

Read Also: How to Find the Best Mattress for Back Pain in Australia

Read Also: How Long Do Mattresses Last? Find Out Here


Have questions about drying your mattress? Check out these helpful, ready-answered FAQS:

How Can I Avoid My Mattress Getting Wet?

Other than keeping liquids far away from your bed, another great way to prevent spills from hitting your mattress surface is by laying down a waterproof mattress protector!

These smart covers act as a protective layer, preventing accidental spills and moisture from penetrating your mattress.

What’s the Best Cleaning Solution for a Dirty and Wet Mattress?

If your mattress is dirty and wet, try cleaning it with a hydrogen peroxide and water solution.

This will disinfect any bacteria, lift stains, and eliminate nasty odours. Once you’ve cleaned your dirty mattress, dry it by either sprinkling baking soda over the surface and letting it sit for a while, blasting it with a hairdryer or, if you’re not in a rush, letting it air dry in a well-ventilated space.

If your mattress is really grimy, consider hiring a professional mattress cleaner.

For handy tips, head over to our insightful blog at Best Pillows Australia!

Should I Replace a Wet Mattress?

If you’ve got your mattress wet, you don’t need to chuck it out! You just need to make sure you properly clean and dry it.

When drying your mattress, make sure your room has good air circulation, either by opening windows or turning on an air humidifier to prevent mould. You can also speed things up by sprinkling over some baking soda or blasting a hairdryer over the damp spots.

If you think your mattress needs replacing, head over to Best Pillows Australia to find a new one that matches your budget and comfort needs.


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